Friday, May 8, 2020

Fish And Game Warden Case Study - 1477 Words

Fish And Game Warden Ever wonder what a fish and game wardens do? A fish and game warden is a police officers who enforce the laws protecting wildlife and natural habitats, particularly as they apply to hunting, boating and conservation.(2) With 9 different subjects in my research will help give you a better understanding of what a fish and game warden job intel’s. The work for fish and game wardens can be from informing individuals about the park, investigating hunting accidents and issues warnings or citations and file reports as necessary.(5) Wardens spend their time patrolling assigned zones by truck, boat, plane, horse, and by foot.(10) Fish and game wardens when patrolling their zone will use the different modes of transportation†¦show more content†¦One of the many disadvantages of being a game warden is everyone that you meet has a firearm on them and you might be the only other warden working in a set zone. Also working in all sorts of weather conditions, dan gerous wildlife, and lower salaries compared to other LEOs.(8) Wardens will be asked to work in all different seasons from fishing season in the spring to hunting season in the fall. Many of the older wardens may struggle, but are still very able bodies. With the younger wardens you need to be very fit and able body. If I achieve the position of a fish and game warden it would be very disheartening when you would have to euthanize animals that humans have kept as pets but I understand that it is all part of the job. I would also love when we would successfully rehabilitate an animal. Depending on your state and the department will depend of vacation time some is 2 weeks or so. There are approximately 8000 people employed as a fish and game warden in the United States.(7) The outlook for fish and game warden jobs have stated steady since 2004.(12) Openings for fish and game wardens have decreased by 2.70% nationwide in that time, with an average decline of 0.45% per year.(12) Desire for fish and game wardens is expected to go up, with an expected 1,760 new jobs filled by 2018. This represents an annual increase ofShow MoreRelatedLaw Is An Integral Part Of A Functioning Society Essay1924 Words   |  8 Pagesravage its surroundings. Thankfully, this is not the case. Laws are set in place to establish right and wrong, and those who enforce these laws do so with much fervor and unrestrained passion. Generally, when law enforcement comes to mind, most would immediately picture a police officer of some sort. 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