Monday, August 24, 2020

Fossil Fuels: Our Societys Dependency :: essays research papers

Non-renewable energy sources: Our Society's Dependency Our general public has gotten reliant on non-renewable energy sources for vitality. That appears fine for the time being thinking about the way that everybody is commonly cheerful in the current circumstance. Petroleum derivatives are moderately reasonable and appear to do the stunt at this moment. Utilizing non-renewable energy sources emerge such issues as a dangerous atmospheric devation, increasing expenses of scant assets, and deficiencies of crude materials. None of these issues will draw complete consideration until the interest is required, it's the old gracefully and request situation. In spite of the fact that my sentiment may appear to be critical on the off chance that you take a gander at past occasions it focuses to the gracefully and request situation. Â Â Â Â Â During World War II elastic supplies were sliced off toward the western world also, we started to take a shot at an exacerbate that was a manufactured elastic. We prevailing in providing the interest and since same manufactured compound is utilized today. My hypothesis is that something very similar will occur with so much things as plastic, which is produced using non-renewable energy sources. Somebody will either think of an engineered plastic or think of something to fill in for plastic. The individual who thinks of the arrangement will become and moment mogul and everybody will be glad. There is one downside of along these lines of taking care of issues, I mean sure it's incredible to hold up until the interest yet we should even now gain from our errors. We ought to figure out how to prepare and see what the outcomes might be. Â Â Â Â Â We still have different requests to meet, there are three significant requests of petroleum derivatives and they are warming, transportation, and industry. In spite of the fact that transportation is dealt with, we dislike the idea of a sun powered vehicle or an electric vehicle however there are arrangements out there. Honestly the oil organizations try not to need to lose their imposing business model in the transportation business and that brings us into the entire economy issue. In the event that we come up short on non-renewable energy sources what will occur to the economy? Will it endure? These are only a couple of inquiries that are posed regular, yet for the present we are simply going to take a gander at answers for requests on non-renewable energy sources. This outline beneath represents the requests and the conceivable arrangements. Vitality Demand Alternative Energy Sources and Practices warming - sunlight based warming, heat siphons, geothermal vitality, biomass gas, and electrical from hydro and atomic plants transportation - liquor/gasohol and hydrogen fills, and electric vehicles - mass travel, bikes, and strolling - sunlight based vitality, atomic vitality, and hydroelectricity - improved proficiency and waste warmth recuperation All in all I don't figure the requirement for a substitute for non-renewable energy sources will

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Help Desk Institute to Professional Knowledge and Development Research Paper

Assist Desk With initiating to Professional Knowledge and Development - Research Paper Example The primary area gives a review of HDI - what it does and its job in the specialized help industry. The following segment gives a clarification of the commitments of HDI towards expanding the expert information and capacities of its individuals. This paper finishes up with a conversation on how the information and abilities procured from HDI can significantly affect my picked vocation way. At the center of HDI’s creation is the longing to help people in the IT administration and bolster calling improve their practices and increment work proficiency. As communicated in its statement of purpose, HDI expects to â€Å"lead and advance help experts by engaging individuals through access to convenient and important industry data, empowering part coordinated effort, setting up open guidelines and giving internationally perceived affirmation and preparing programs† (Migliazza, 2008, para. 1). HDI, in this manner, gives a setting to specialized help and administration experts to meet up and talk about the predominant issues and issues in the assistance work area, just as offer prescribed procedures with an end goal to discover answers for these issues. HDI additionally has an abundance of data from reports, research and articles from specialists that give pertinent and forward-thinking information about the most recent patterns in help work area administrations, j ust as benchmarking devices. Every year, HDI assembles specialists and pioneers in the field of specialized help and administration during its yearly meeting and expo in a feeling of learning and cooperation. Besides, HDI offers principles based preparing and confirmation programs that are globally perceived. As brought up by Baschab and Piot (2007), â€Å"sponsoring assist work area with staffing for HDI confirmation is a beneficial interest in their profitability, and sends a reasonable message to the group about the significant significance of their job in the IT department† (p. 276). Training and affirmations will impel me to progress in my vocation way in the specialized help and administration field.â obviously, there is without a doubt an abundance of bits of knowledge assembled from my work experience.â The hypothetical information will place these bits of knowledge in setting, reinforcing its legitimacy and permitting me to advance as I get familiar with the hy pothesis behind the practice.â Training likewise sets me up to manage numerous customers from different fields with various foundations, a significant device in this profession.â Becoming an individual from HDI enrollment will assist me with staying up to date with the most recent improvements in the assistance work area profession.â Having a scene for conversation and joint effort with different experts will permit me to add to the improvement of the calling.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Alcohol Tolerance May Lead to Damaging Effects

Alcohol Tolerance May Lead to Damaging Effects November 26, 2019 Thomas Barwick/Getty Images   More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery You can drink enough alcohol for a period of time that you can develop a tolerance to some of its effects. If you drink long enough, you may find that drinking the same amount you usually drink does not produce the same effect. In other words, if you have developed alcohol tolerance you have to drink increasingly greater amounts of alcohol to feel the same effects you used to feel with fewer drinks. You may think that not having alcohol interfere with your behavior and ability to function like it used to do is a positive occurrence, however, the development of tolerance to alcohol can actually signal pending problems. Tolerance to the effects of alcohol can influence drinking behavior and consequences in many ways. Alcohol Tolerance Can: Encourage greater alcohol consumptionContribute to alcohol dependenceCause organ damageAffect the performance of tasksContribute to the ineffectiveness of medicationsIncrease the toxicity of other drugsContribute to the risk of alcoholism There are several ways that tolerance to alcohol develops: Functional Tolerance Functional tolerance is when the brain functions of drinkers adapt to compensate for the disruption that alcohol causes in their behavior and their bodily functions. Have you ever known someone who could consume large amounts of alcohol and not display any obvious signs of intoxication? That is because that person has developed a functional tolerance to alcohol. When someone has had enough to drink that they should be exhibiting some signs of behavioral impairment and they do not, their tolerance to alcohol is allowing them to drink increasing amounts of alcohol. Functional Tolerance Can Result in Dependence The problem is that a higher level of consumption can result in developing a physical dependence on alcohol and developing alcohol-related organ damage. Research has found, however, that functional tolerance can develop at the same rate for all of the effects of alcohol. For example, someone may quickly develop a functional tolerance for mental functions, such as solving puzzles, but not for tasks requiring eye-hand coordination, such as driving a vehicle. Alcohol Abuse vs. Dependence Different Types of Functional Tolerance Sometimes drinkers will quickly develop a tolerance to the unpleasant effects of intoxication, such as becoming nauseous or dizzy, while not developing a tolerance to the pleasurable effects. This can cause increased alcohol consumption. There are different types of functional tolerance to alcohol which are produced by different factors and influences. Acute Tolerance When a drinker develops a tolerance to the effects of alcohol during a single drinking session, it is called acute tolerance. The drinker may appear to be more intoxicated in the early stages of the drinking session than near the end. But, acute tolerance typically develops into the feeling of intoxication, but not to all of the effects of alcohol. Consequently, the person may be prompted to drink more, which can impair those bodily functions that do not develop acute tolerance. Environment-Dependent Tolerance Research has found that alcohol tolerance can be accelerated if drinking over a series of drinking sessions always take place in the same environment or accompanied by the same cues. Studies have found that when drinkers consumed their alcohol in the same room all the time their heart rate increased to a lesser extent than when they drank in a new environment. Cues Associated With Drinking Another study found that social drinkers who were given an eye-hand coordination task, performed better if they consumed their alcohol in a bar-like environment, rather than an office environment. The researchers concluded that the subjects were more alcohol tolerant in the bar environment because it contained cues associated with drinking. This is called environment-dependent tolerance. The Dangers of Drinking and Driving Learned Tolerance Alcohol tolerance can also be accelerated by practicing a task while under the influence of alcohol. Even if the subjects only mentally rehearsed the task after drinking alcohol, they developed the same level of tolerance as those who actually physically practiced the task while drinking. This is called behaviorally augmented tolerance or learned tolerance. Rewards Can Affect Tolerance Learned tolerance can also be accelerated by the expectation of a reward. One study found that subjects who knew they would receive money for the successful performance of a task while under the influence developed tolerance more quickly than when they did not expect a reward. How Does This Apply to Real-Life Situations? Repeatedly driving the same route home while intoxicated could cause the driver to develop a tolerance for the task and reduce alcohol-induced impairment. However, that tolerance for that specific task is not transferable to a new task. For example, if the driver encountered unexpected situations, a detour, or a change in driving conditions, he could lose any previously acquired tolerance to alcohols impairment of his driving skills. Environment-Independent Tolerance Functional tolerance to alcohol can develop independently of environmental influences with exposure to large quantities of alcohol. Using significant higher amounts of alcohol, researchers found that laboratory animals developed tolerance in an environment different from the one in which they were given alcohol. This is called environment-independent tolerance. Metabolic Tolerance Metabolic tolerance occurs when a specific group of liver enzymes is activated after a period of chronic drinking and results in more rapid elimination of alcohol from the body. This activation of the liver enzymes increases the degradation of alcohol and reduces the time during which alcohol is active in the system and consequently reduces the length of intoxication. Metabolic Tolerance Can Lead to Liver Damage When chronic drinking activates these enzymes, however, it can cause health problems for the chronic drinker because it can also affect the metabolism of other drugs and medications, producing possible harmful effects, including liver damage. Studies have also found that metabolic tolerance can also lead to the ineffectiveness of some medications in chronic drinkers and even in recovering alcoholics. How Alcohol Damages the Liver Tolerance and the Predisposition to Alcoholism Research has revealed that some aspects of alcohol tolerance are genetic. Several studies comparing sons of alcoholics fathers to sons of nonalcoholic fathers found tolerance differences that could affect drinking behavior. Some studies found that sons of alcoholic fathers were less impaired by alcohol than the sons of nonalcoholic fathers. Other studies found that sons of alcoholic fathers displayed acute tolerance for alcohol - experiencing the pleasurable effects of alcohol early in drinking sessions, while not experiencing the impairing effects of alcohol later in the sessions. The genetic predisposition to alcohol tolerance could contribute to increased alcohol consumption and the risk of alcoholism in the sons of alcoholic fathers. Is Alcoholism Genetic? Tolerance Signals Risk for Alcohol Use Disorders? Developing a tolerance for alcohols effects quickly could be a clue that the drinker is at risk of developing alcohol-related problems whether they are a son of an alcoholic or not. If you know someone who reportedly can hold their liquor well or who drinks large amounts of alcohol without exhibiting outward signs of intoxication, there is a chance that person is at risk for developing medical complications from alcohol use, as well as developing alcohol use disorders.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Ahmad Ibn Fadlan and the Nordic Tribes - 590 Words

Ibn Fadlan was an expert in the philosophy of Islamic law. Ibn was sent on a journey by the celiph in order to help the king of Balgars. During his trip Fadlan recorded experiences he had while traveling along what we now know as Ukraine and Russia. During the time of Fadlans journey the rivers of Eastern Europe and Central Asia were inhabited by vikings Known to Arabs as the Rus. Historians have used Fadlans recordings of his journey as one of the principle textual source we have about the Rus and other people populating Inner Asia. Faldan writes about many shocking observations. He was surprised to see how they treated the ill. If a person was to become sick they put him in a far off tent with some bread and water. He is not visited or spoken to until he is better. If he dies he is buried. Fadlan also wrote about an experience he had at a chiefs funeral. The first thing the people did when their chief died was to put him in a grave and set up a shelter over him. This gave them 1 0 days to arrange the ceremony and make the robes he would be buried in. During this time one of his slaves violenteers to die with her master. The slave that volunteers is watched closely until she is killed. Before she dies one of the Chiefs friends has intercourse with her. After she is killed, put beside her master along with delicious food and drink and together they are burned. Fadlan is very impressed with the bodies of the Rus he says, I have never seen more perfect

Friday, May 8, 2020

Fish And Game Warden Case Study - 1477 Words

Fish And Game Warden Ever wonder what a fish and game wardens do? A fish and game warden is a police officers who enforce the laws protecting wildlife and natural habitats, particularly as they apply to hunting, boating and conservation.(2) With 9 different subjects in my research will help give you a better understanding of what a fish and game warden job intel’s. The work for fish and game wardens can be from informing individuals about the park, investigating hunting accidents and issues warnings or citations and file reports as necessary.(5) Wardens spend their time patrolling assigned zones by truck, boat, plane, horse, and by foot.(10) Fish and game wardens when patrolling their zone will use the different modes of transportation†¦show more content†¦One of the many disadvantages of being a game warden is everyone that you meet has a firearm on them and you might be the only other warden working in a set zone. Also working in all sorts of weather conditions, dan gerous wildlife, and lower salaries compared to other LEOs.(8) Wardens will be asked to work in all different seasons from fishing season in the spring to hunting season in the fall. Many of the older wardens may struggle, but are still very able bodies. With the younger wardens you need to be very fit and able body. If I achieve the position of a fish and game warden it would be very disheartening when you would have to euthanize animals that humans have kept as pets but I understand that it is all part of the job. I would also love when we would successfully rehabilitate an animal. Depending on your state and the department will depend of vacation time some is 2 weeks or so. There are approximately 8000 people employed as a fish and game warden in the United States.(7) The outlook for fish and game warden jobs have stated steady since 2004.(12) Openings for fish and game wardens have decreased by 2.70% nationwide in that time, with an average decline of 0.45% per year.(12) Desire for fish and game wardens is expected to go up, with an expected 1,760 new jobs filled by 2018. This represents an annual increase ofShow MoreRelatedLaw Is An Integral Part Of A Functioning Society Essay1924 Words   |  8 Pagesravage its surroundings. Thankfully, this is not the case. Laws are set in place to establish right and wrong, and those who enforce these laws do so with much fervor and unrestrained passion. Generally, when law enforcement comes to mind, most would immediately picture a police officer of some sort. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Of Mice and Men †in What Ways Could This Novel Free Essays

Steinbeck makes it clear that most the workers on the ranch are lonely, as working in a ranch is hard work and no one really wants to work really hard every day Just to eat and survive, so you can say that the people working In the ranch have no alma In life, living temporary lives, oath beaten by hard boys down from the ranches to swim In the deep pool, and â€Å"A beaten hard by tramps†. Also as Leonie and George had to walk long way to the ranch or to work this may have been the case for lots of people in the ‘ass as that was the time of the Great Depression and the Wall Street Crash In where the economy of the USA fell and everyone was out of jobs and money, you can say that this is tragic In some way as it shows how hard people tried Just to find work and how the Depression bought loneliness onto the people of the ASSAI. Some people in the ranch vive more lonely lives than others. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men – in What Ways Could This Novel or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the loneliest persons on the ranch has to be Curly wife. As she Is the only women on the ranch she feels Isolated and left out from the men and feels different. Also no one really wants to talk to her as she is the wife of the boss’s son and no one talks to her out of fear of getting into a fight with Curly who has power upon the ranch to fire people as he is the boss’s son and the workers did not want to get fired as there were no Jobs around. This can be seen as tragic as If a worker Is accidentally seen communicating with Curly wife Curly will ant him fired or will want to fight him as Curly is seen as a character as aggressive. Also Curry’s wife is seen as a â€Å"flirt† or just wants attention as she is the only female on the ranch, but Curly doesn’t want her to talk to anyone. As she has no female friends on the ranch, men are her only option, but they do not want to talk to her. So this really frustrates her and makes her lonely. Even thought Curry’s wife is mentioned throughout the book, she is never called by her name, from her lack of a personal definition you can say that the men on the ranch don’t see her a normal human being UT as an â€Å"object†. She says to Leonie â€Å"Think I don’t like to talk to someone ever once in a while? This shows that she is trying to tell Leonie that she is desperate to talk to someone and have a friend that she can Just talk to, you can say this is tragic as Curry’s wife can’t even have one of life’s simplest things â€Å"a conversation† or a friend. However, she believes that one day she w ould make It to the movies and become an actor, â€Å"l Alan used to level like this. I could made something of myself†¦ Maybe I will yet. † because of this extreme loneliness she wants to think of herself as having a true ahead of her, but in reality she does not. So she is living in two different lives, but in reality she Is living in a boring ranch with no one to talk to. You can say this Is tragic as the ranch brings peoples hope up Into believing that they will make it big one day but in reality the ranch crushes this dream and the workers on the ranch will 1 OFF Another point about Curly wife is she escapes all this â€Å"loneliness† by dying, when she is killed by Leonie, Steinbeck writes, and â€Å"The meanness and the planning of the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. This means that Curly wife is dead and now she looks happy when she is dead as she has escaped from being lonely. This can be seen as tragic as you can say that the only escape from loneliness is death. Another character that can be seen as lonely is Crooks. Crooks suffers from loneliness because he is the only black person on the ranch, and black people suffered lots of racial abuse from white people in the ‘ass because black people didn’t have human rights. Also he lives by himself as no one likes him as he is black, this makes Crooks even lonelier. Crooks does not take part in any social activity in the ranch, he is so lonely that he turns to reading books in his spare time. Steinbeck shows Crooks character someone who is desperate for company, but Crooks really does not show it. This can be seen as tragic as everyone is racist to Crooks on the ranch and no one likes him. Also when Leonie enters Crooks room, Crooks talks to Leonie even though he knows that Leonie doesn’t understand him as much, but still continues to talk as he is â€Å"not lonely’ any more as he has someone to talk to. Crooks says, â€Å"A guy goes nuts if he ant got nobody†¦ I tell way a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick. † This shows that he knows what it’s like to be lonely and what it can do to somebody, this can be seen as tragic as no one should really know what it really feels like to be left out and lonely for a very long time even though there are always people around you and those people neglect you for something that you don’t choose to have – the color of your skin. Another character that is portrayed as lonely by Steinbeck is Candy. Candy is an old man who is physically disabled and who used to work on the ranch, he is disabled due to an accident in the past. You can say that candy is lonely because he is old and no one really wants to become friends with someone who is old, also Candy only companionship was his dog that got shot in the back of his head because he was getting old and useless Just like Candy. As Candy now has no friends he over hears Leonie and George talk about their â€Å"dream place†, as Candy wants to escape this loneliness he wants to Join Leonie and George in their dream place, so Candy offers his saving towards the dream place and making it a â€Å"reality’. â€Å"Expose I went in with you guys. † This shows that Candy is fed up from being in the ranch and wants to escape his past; also he knew he was going to be sacked soon as he old and cannot work so he put his money into the â€Å"Dream place†. This can be seen as tragic as you can say that people will give all their money away to escape from loneliness, and you can say that money does not always bring happiness. Another character that can be seen as lonely is Curly, even though he has a wife. No one really likes him in the ranch as he is aggressive and he likes to look down upon the workers on the ranch, this leads to Curly having no friends in the ranch, also Curly goes to the brothel house even though he has a wife, you can say that his wife may not like him that much or satisfy him so he turns to the brothel. This is tragic as Curly wants to be respected and to be seen as someone with power, no one him, also as Curly is intimidated by bigger men, he hates Leonie who is twice his size, as Lien’s character is seen by the workers on the ranch as â€Å"innocent† and childlike† the workers seem to take Lien’s side when Curly attacks Leonie out of frustration and anger. Curly as a character can be seen as tragic as no one really likes him and he has no real friends and no one seems to respect him but only fear him because of his position in the ranch, even his own wife doesn’t really like him as Curly always controls her and makes her feel lonely in her own ways and Curly even has to go to a brother to satisfy his sexual needs even though he has a wife, from this you can say that Curly is truly lonely. Another character that is portrayed as lonely towards the end of the book is George, as he killed Leonie, you can say that he now has no burden on his shoulders any more, but you can also say that George now has no true friend and will now suffer loneliness like the other men on the ranch. This could be seen as tragic as George killed Leonie out of â€Å"Love† and did Leonie as favor as Leonie would’ve been sent to a mental asylum and in the ‘ass asylums were bad places to be, so George did something out of â€Å"Love† and now suffers loneliness and not having a true friend. So in conclusion loneliness is seen tragic in a number of ways in this book and Steinbeck uses lots of means to escape loneliness; such as death, giving away all your possessions, and even turning to books. Also doing something you may think is good will bring something bad, like when George killing Leonie out of love and friendship, George will now suffer from loneliness, So â€Å"Loneliness† in Of Mice and Men is a major theme as all the characters are affected by it and Steinbeck shows all the tragedies of loneliness and he also shows what people would do Just to escape this â€Å"Loneliness†. How to cite Of Mice and Men – in What Ways Could This Novel, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

What’s so Important About Those Kites free essay sample

However, the strongest and most universal symbol throughout the entire novel is the kite. Kites are the central symbol in the novel because everything in the story, from the differences in classes to the relationships between characters, can be related back to them both directly and indirectly. Just by simply analyzing the title alone, one can conclude that kites play a major role in the novel on many levels. Beyond the obvious, referring to the title and the plot, kites have a deeper symbolism. Many of the ideas and themes throughout the novel can be described, in one way or another, by kites. This is true because in the novel, kites are not only functional entities, but symbolic as well. Kites, as well as kite fighting and kite running, have multiple layers of symbolism and importance in the novel. In the novel, kites are the one thing that the main character, Amir, keeps going back to. We will write a custom essay sample on What’s so Important About Those Kites? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For Amir, kites stopped being a child’s toy during his childhood in Kabul. To Amir, kites represent so much more for him. They represent the relationship that he has, or tries to have, with his father Baba. They represent the chance to finally have his father’s love and attention, but more importantly his father’s acceptance. Kites represent the relationship with his Hazara servant and half brother, Hassan. Though the relationships are important to Amir, the kites in his life don’t stop there. They go on to represent his betrayal of Hassan, the guilt that comes with his betrayal, the happiness he feels while flying the kites, and the redemption he longs for. The kite represents the piece of his life that he tries to and wishes he could control. It’s not until the â€Å"kite† spins out of control that he could really redeem himself for what he did. In regards to relationships in the novel, Amir and Hassan’s is complicated to say the least. To this affect, one can say that their relationship is very one-sided; hence the completely different views of their relationship. Hassan’s take on their relationship is â€Å"Amir Agha and I are friends,† (Hosseini 72). But, Amir doesn’t feel the same way about Hassan. â€Å"But he’s not my friend! I almost blurted. He’s my servant,† (Hosseini 41). Even though their views on their relationship were different, they did have one very important thing in common†¦kites. Flying kites was what brought the boys together and as well as what tore them apart. For that little bit of time while they fought and ran kites, they weren’t servant and master. They were a team and their love for kites was mutual. It allowed them momentary escape from their differences and be able to enjoy just a moment of freedom and excitement. This is just the positive symbolism of the kites to their realtionship. There is a much deeper as well as a much darker meaning of kites for these two boys. One of the negatives, as I mentioned before, is that kites represent their difference in classes. Amir is naturally above Hassan due to his heritage of being Pashtun as well as his wealth and standinf in society. This is translated through the kites in the act of the fighting of the kites. â€Å"Every kite fighter had an assistantin my case, Hassan—who held the spool and fed the line,† (Hosseini 51). All Hassan is really good for is assisting Amir in anyway that he can because Hassan is afterall Amir’s loyal servant. Though Hassan may share the same love for kites and kite fighting that Amir does, he will never actually be in control of the kite. He will never share the same victories with Amir. All of his joy in winning is being experienced vicariously through Amir, along with his experiences of wealth and privilege. Another negative meaning of the kites for Amir and Hassan is seen after Hassan runs his last kite and saying the words that end up haunting Amir for years to come. â€Å"For you a thousand times,† (Hossieni 67). The kite takes on a much deeper significance to Amir after he watches Hassan get raped by Assef for his shiny blue kite. The kite now represent several more things for Amir. One of these things being his betrayal and cowardice. The other is guilt, but beyond that is his father’s acceptance because to him, Hassan running the kite for him successfully was a small price to pay for his father’s love and acceptance. †¦Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba,† (Hosseini 77). In the end, only thing he really got out from allowing that to happen to Hassan was guilt and a small period of acceptance from Baba because that ended up being short lived. Amir’s realtionship with Baba, much like his relationship with Hassan, wasn’t black and white. They too only really had kites in common because Amir was nothing like his father. Amir was a coward and ran from trouble and respinsiblility whereas Baba took on the world head on and chest out and with no fear. Strangely enough, Amir knew this about himself and his father. â€Å"With me as the glaring exception, my father molded the world around him to his liking. The problem, of course, was that Baba saw the world in black and white. And he got to decide what was black and what was white. You cant love a person who lives that way without fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a little,† (Hosseini 15). Amir felt as though Baba didn’t love or accept him. If I hadnt seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes, Id never believe hes my son, (Hosseini 23). So when the kite fighting tournament came around to Kabul in 1975, Amir had to jump on the opportunity to indulge in the only thing that they had in common. â€Å"†¦the chill between Baba and me thawed a little. And the reason for that was the kites. Baba and I lived in the same huse, but in different spheres of existence. Kites were the one paper-thin slice of intersection between those spheres† (Hosseini 49). Amir truly believed that if he got the kite back from Hassan after he won the tournament that Baba would finally accept him. â€Å"Then I saw Baba on our roof. He was standingf on the edge, pumping both his fists. Hollering and clapping. And that right there was the single greatest moment of my tweleve years of life, seeing Baba on that roof, proud at last,† (Hosseini 66). Beyond just kites in general, the other symbols in the novel, The Kite Runner are kite fighting and kite running. Both of these represent different factions of the novel in their own way. Kite fighting for example, represent the fights, both internal and external in the novel. Amir says that â€Å" kite fighting was a little like going to war†¦As with any war, you had to ready yourself for battle†¦if the kite was the gun, then tar, the glass-coated cutting line, was the bullet in the chamber,† (Hosseini 50). The kite fighting represents the violence that took place in the novel. Kite fighting is a violent game by nature. The children of Kabul gladly play this game, cutting their fingers deeply in the process, all for the satisfaction of cutting down another kid’s kite. This can be interpreted as kite fighting is really only about winning the fight. If Amir hadn’t won the kite fight, Hassan would have never have had to run the kite for him and he would have never gotten raped, and therefore Amir and Hassan’s friendship would have survived unscathed. Again it all goes back to the kites. Unlike kite fighting, kite running has a much more â€Å"positive† connotation that comes with it. Kite running represents loyalty and innocence. The title The Kite Runner refers to Hassan. Hassan is Amir’s loyal servant and would do anything that Amir asks him to do. â€Å"Would I ever lie to you Amir agha? I’d sooner eat dirt,† (Hosseini 54). Hassan also sacrificed himself many times in the novel for Amir’s sake, from getting in trouble over mirror pranks to being raped for a kite that Amir had won in the tournament, Hassan loyalty never faltered. This was why Amir felt so guilty for allowing the rape to happen. Hassan was really a friend to him and not a servant. Running a kite is also symbolic of innocence. In the beginning of the novel, Hassan was a character of innocence. He gained this innocence from serving Amir. Him running the kites represents his state of servitude. Ironically, at the end of the novel, the tables have turned and it is Amir who must serve Sohrab, Hassan’s son, by running a kite for him. He even used Hassan’s loyal words â€Å"For you a thousand times over,† (Hosseini 371). By this point in the novel, Amir has finally reached that state of purity and innocence that had had spent all those years searching for after he allowed Hassan to be raped. He had finally been redeemed and cleansed of his guilt thanks to a kite. All the symbolism of the kite presented in â€Å"The Kite Runner† deals with the friendship of Amir and Hassan, the relationship between Amir and his father, as well as Amir’s journey to redemption.