Monday, December 23, 2019

Civil Right - 734 Words

Everything began with a third-grader student named Linda Brown who was an African American and had to walk a mile to get to a colored school, while she lived about seven block away from an all-white school. This commanded the awakening of a nation to combat segregation. According to the book â€Å"American Government roots and reform†, explains that Brown v. Board of education (1954) case consisted on the U.S. Supreme Court decision holding that school segregation is inherently unconstitutional because it violates the fourteen Amendment ‘s that guarantee equal protection.† This shows that African American kids were discriminated as well their rights were violated. Furthermore, the article â€Å"Land mark: Brown v. Board of education â€Å" explains that†¦show more content†¦Therefore, this violates the â€Å"equal protection clause: state it on the fourteen amendment. [pg.128]. this demonstrates how kid’s rights were violated. Furthermore, depend on the doll study conducted by Kenneth and Mamie Clark demonstrated that children from segregated schools feel inferior to white children. Finally, this led on May 17, 1954, Chief justice Earl Warren and the justices to agree unanimous on declaring segregation in public school unconstitutional. According to the article â€Å"How relevant is Brown v. Board of Education today?† â€Å"As a nation, we have backed away from the commitment inherent in Brown v. Board, today’s solution are much less focused on the social and cultural benefit of integration. They concentrate on how to build more learning opportunity and ensure that all student share the same opportunity to become proficient based on national standards.† [Warren, prg.5]. This demonstrates that the cases still relevant because student have the freedom to attend and pursue a higher education, even though they do not focused on social and cultural backgrounds and mostly focused more in the academic standar ds. However, in the article â€Å"LDF Statement on the 61st Anniversary of Brown v. Board of education of Brown v. Board of education† â€Å"Today, LDF continues its decades- long commitment for all children. This includesShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement1286 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil Rights movement is one of the most important acts to change the way not only African Americans were able to live their lives but all races and colors. It would slowly break down the social, economic, political, and racial barriers that were created by the The Age of Discovery and Transatlantic Slave trade. I believe without the Civil Rights acts our country would result to be no better than what it was when the Emancipation Proclamation just took effect. In the 1950s and long before, SouthernRead MoreCivil Rights And Civil Liberties1025 Words   |  5 PagesJennyfer Tshilanda Professor Sharifian Government 2305 September 28th, 2017. 1 Civil rights vs Civil liberties 1. 2 Define Civil Liberties; then define Civil Rights. How are they similar? How do they differ? Which civil sequence has more influence on your life as you know it to be now? Why do you believe this to be so? Civil rights and civil of liberties have regularly been the discussion of different locales throughout the years. In the achievement of social liberties and freedoms, laws and statutoryRead MoreWomans Civil Right1308 Words   |  6 PagesA Women’s Civil Right The speech †A Women’s Civil Right† was written in 1969 and the feminist author Betty Friedan delivered it. Betty Friedan was a proponent of the modern women’s movement and claimed that women in 1969 and onwards should not be trapped in the stereotypical housewife role. Friedan was convinces that social barriers in the society kept women imprisoned in â€Å"the housewife trap†. She wanted women to have better career opportunities, introduce equality with men and to eliminate theRead MoreThe Rise Of The Civil Rights Movement1179 Words   |  5 Pagesthat arose in the 1960s, there are three movements that truly affected the American society. Firstly, the rise of the civil rights movement was greatly influenced by racial discrimination of colored people in the South. Secondly, the women’s movement aimed to convince the society that women are capable of achieving and maintaining higher waged job like males. Lastly, the gay rights movement aimed to gain acceptance and stop discrimination of homosexuality. The most significant effect on the developmentRead MoreCivil Liberties And Civil Rights1081 Words   |  5 Pages1 McGahey 3 Megan McGahey Sherry Sharifian GOVT 2305 71430 20 September 2017 Civil Liberties vs. Civil Rights In the U.S. most use the terms Civil Liberties and Civil Rights interchangeably; although they both protect the freedom of citizens they do this in different ways. 2 Civil Liberties are limitations placed on the government. These are things the government is restricted to do, by the constitution. Things that could interfere with personal freedom. 3 For example, the 1st amendment says thatRead MoreThe American Civil Rights Movement1519 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican Civil Rights Movement is personified through several prominent personalities. These figures exhibited strong character throughout their careers in activism that revolutionized the ideals and opportunities of the 20th century, standing as precedents for courage and perseverance in the face of widespread systemic oppression. However, not all of these figures received the acknowledgment and acceptance that their legacy deserved. One such figure was Bayard Rustin, a lifelong Civil Rights activistRead MoreReasons F or The Civil Rights Movement1436 Words   |  6 PagesWhen did the Civil Rights Movement begin in earnest in Buffalo? The Civil Rights Movement In Buffalo was weak and many people were quiet and conservative. It was less a Movement than a group of scattered individuals, primarily black and Jewish. This Civil Rights Movement happened in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Some people believed that this movement began in Western New York. African Americans faced many social problems during this time period, which demonstrated the significance of organizingRead MoreCivil Rights And Civil Liberties1009 Words   |  5 Pages29 September 2017 Civil Liberties are basic freedoms and rights that are guaranteed to us by the government through the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Federal Law (â€Å"Civil Rights vs. Civil Liberties.†). Whether they are freedom of speech or a right to an attorney, these basic rights are a right to all of us. 1 Civil rights are the basic rights to be free from unequal treatment based on certain protected characteristics (race, gender, disability, etc. ) (â€Å"Civil Rights vs. Civil Liberties.†). WhetherRead MoreCivil Rights Movement823 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction: This paper is about the blacks wanting equal rights like the whites have.Then everything gets out of hand.The fire truck hoses get used on people,the k-9 dogs go attack the people, people go to jail. King goes to jail and writes a report and gets out of jail. Finally, Birmingham takes down the â€Å"blacks only† and â€Å"whites only† signs from the bathroom and drinking fountains. Blacks now can use any bathroom and drinking fountain they want. The SCLC launched Project C† (for Birmingham)Read MoreCivil Liberties And Civil Rights1365 Words   |  6 PagesCivil Liberties Evaluation America, a country founded on civil liberties and civil rights which are very strongly protected by law. The United States constitution specifically address the rights and freedoms that all Americans are guaranteed. Now over 200 hundred years later, the United States has rapidly grown, global travel has become more efficient, and threats that were not even imagine now exist. The question that many Americans ask today is has this changed our perception on our civil liberties

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Stimulation Review Free Essays

University of Phoenix Material Simulation Review Paper Review the Analyzing Financial Indicators for Decision Making simulation. Prepare a formal 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing the decisions you made in the simulation. Specifically address the following: Financial Accounting from a Cardiac Care Hospital’s Perspective †¢ Bridge a working capital shortage. We will write a custom essay sample on Stimulation Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢ Evaluate funding options for acquiring medical equipment. †¢ Evaluate funding options for capital expansion. Phase I: Capital Shortage †¢ Which cost-cutting options did you select? Why? †¢ Which loan option did you select? Why? †¢ What was the outcome of your decision? Phase II: Funding Options for Equipment Acquisition †¢ Which cost-effective equipment selections did you make? Why? †¢ What was the outcome of your decision? Phase III: Funding Options for Capital Expansion †¢ Which source of funding did you select? Why? †¢ What was the outcome of your selection? Summary and Conclusions †¢ What did you learn from this simulation? †¢ What would you do differently if you performed the simulation again? How will you apply what you learned at your current or future job? Support your ideas, analysis, and conclusions with references to scholarly external sources, such as the texts and journal articles. 1. Individual Assignment: Simulation Review †¢ Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Simulation Review Paper and SIMULATIONS: Analyzing Financial Indicators for Decision Making   Review the Simulation Review Paper docume nt located in the materials section in Week Four on the student Web site. Review the grading criteria located in Week Four on your student website. †¢ Review the Simulation Review Paper and the Analyzing Financial Indicators for Decision Making documents located on the student website. †¢ Write a 1,050- to 1,500-word summary of your choices and the reasons for your choices. †¢ Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines. http://www. oppapers. com/essays/Simulation-Review-Paper/530452? topic How to cite Stimulation Review, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Imagine what it would be like to live or work on a Essay Example For Students

Imagine what it would be like to live or work on a Essay farm, to grow crops like corn a farm, to grow crops lide corn and wheat, and to raise livestock like cows, pigs, and chickens. Some may not be able to take exclusion from most of the world, but those who can would have the time of their livesunless they were forced to live and work on a plantation like slaves had to do. A man named Lewis Tappan beleved that blacks would always have to, eat, wald, travel, worship and work with people of color (Mabee 95). Miss Hane, the protagonist in Ernest Gaines Miss Jane Pittman, tells the story of her trials as a young, negro slave who was emancipated while she was still hust a little girl, bout leven or twelve, she says. Frederick Douglass once said, The only well grounded hopefor emancipation ismoral force (Mabee 3). This moral force that he spoke of finally goy to someone in a high place in 1862 when Abraham Lincoln presented the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves. Freedom followed most of the slaves by the proclamation, but those not freed for some reason, found freedom in 1865 by the thirteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States. After freedom, many of them stayed on the plantations to work for pay, while others left the minute they discovered their freedom. Many thought that they could somehow make their lives better by finding a different place to live. Miss Hane decided to do just that. Ernest Faines The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman accurately depicts the life of a black slave who was freed from slavery and raised in the society of the mid/late 1800s. Many white people did not wany the slaves to have freedom , because many whites believed that blacks were not equal to whites and should never be anything else but a slave. Some whit people even wanted to kill all of the black people, they did not comprehend that the blacks were now supposed to live equal to them. White patrollers went around and killed all of the black people that they saw. when the patrollers spotted somebody, a bunch of them would surround the person and beat him until they had knocked him unconscious or killed him. (Gaines 21). Many people, black or white, said that, every nigger in the south is in danger of being killed. And accordingly, Big whit boys and half-grown men used to pelt them with stones and run them down with open knives, both to and from school. Sometimes they came home bruised, stabbed, beaten half to death, and sometimes quite dead (Litwack 279). Nobody seemed to show any concern that black people were being killed le!ft and right, for no reason. White people had no right to mistreat blacks just because they felt so inferior back then.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The role of management in organizational success

Abstract Management is an important element in the success of an organization. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to integrate optimal management strategies. This report outlines the contribution of management to IBM’s success. The study takes into account various management aspects.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The role of management in organizational success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first section of the report outlines the significance of management in an organizations success. The second part outlines an analysis of various management concepts. Some of the elements evaluated include the managerial functions of planning, controlling, and organizing. The contribution of leadership, ethical behavior, and social responsibility to organizational success are also evaluated. Moreover, the importance of effective team management and communication in the organization are analyzed. Intr oduction Effective management is essential in a country’s economic growth as it contributes towards the establishment of synergy amongst the four factors of production, which include machines, materials, human capital, and money. Poor management may lead to a low rate of economic growth despite a country being endowed with substantial factors of production (Tripathi Reddy, 2008). Moreover, the future success and performance of organizations is subject to the competence of the organizational leaders. Tripathi and Reddy (2008) assert, â€Å"Management is the dynamic and life-giving element in every organization† (p.1). Therefore, it enables an organization to deal with issues that emerge in firms’ course of operation, for example employee conflict. Management also enables organizations to coordinate current business activities and plan for future occurrences.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first p aper with 15% OFF Learn More Tripathi and Reddy (2008) further opine that management aids organizations in their pursuit to develop an effective working environment. However, the degree to which an organization can be defined as successful with regard to management depends on how well it has adopted coupled with implementing various principles of management. Some of these principles relate to planning, organizing controlling, team management, communication, social responsibility, ethical behavior, and leadership. IBM ranks amongst the global market leaders in the information technology industry. Despite the high degree of volatility within the information technology industry, IBM has managed to sustain optimal financial performance over the past decades. The firm’s success is evidenced by the high rate at which it has ventured into different market segments. Aim This paper evaluates how IBM has integrated management. The analysis is conducted with reference to planni ng, organizing controlling, team management, communication, social responsibility, ethical behavior, and leadership. Analysis Planning Bose (2002) defines management as the process through which an organization projects what should be done in order to cope with future changes. Planning entails different aspects, which include formulating business objectives, determining the action to be undertaken and methods to be used in order to attain the pre-determined objectives, deciding on who will undertake the tasks, and how the results will be evaluated.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The role of management in organizational success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The intensity of competition in the global information technology industry requires firms in the industry to be effective and efficient with regard to planning. IBM has formulated a number of policies that it follows in the process of executing its planni ng function. First, IBM ensures that all managers at the top, middle, and lower levels of management undertake the process of planning for long-term and short-term objectives. In a bid to improve the planning effectiveness, IBM requires the top, middle, and lower-level managers to identify and propose possible modifications in the firm’s plans. Therefore, the firm promotes planning at departmental stages. The firm’s management has also provided employees with an opportunity to contribute to the planning process. Employees recommend and share their opinion on diverse corporate procedures and policies, which has played a critical role in improving the firm’s effectiveness in aligning itself with market changes. The firm’s effectiveness in planning has improved the potency with which it formulates operational policies, procedures, and financial and non-financial objectives. Furthermore, the firm prepares budgets, operational programs, and schedules effective ly. Planning also enhances IBM’s effectiveness in formulating alternative course of action. The futuristic characteristic of planning is critical in IBM’s effort to cope with changes that emanate from internal and external business environments.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Controlling Succeeding in the business environment requires firms to ensure that their operations are in conformity with the set principles, procedures, and plans, which can only be achieved if optimal control procedures are implemented. DuBrin (2009) argues that controlling is essential in a firm’s effort to achieve positive performance. IBM has adopted an effective control mechanism by establishing various standards of performance. In an effort to remain competitive, IBM has formulated a policy whereby employees are required to achieve predetermined targets within a particular period by developing a balanced scorecard that comprises specific key indicators. IBM evaluates the employees’ performance using the balanced scorecard at the end of the set duration. The evaluation is undertaken by comparing the set targets against the actual performance. Thus, the firm identifies possible deviations. Through controlling, IBM determines whether the employees are focused at the ir jobs. Comparing the set targets against the actual employee performance gives IBM insight on the action to take in order to ensure that the employees meet the set standards. Thus, control enables IBM to gauge the likelihood of attaining the set organizational goals. Tripathi and Reddy (2008) emphasize that lack of effective control limits a firm’s ability to determine whether the set objectives will be realized. Organizing This element constitutes the next step after implementing the plan. Tripathi and Reddy (2008) assert that the workforce has to be organized in order to implement the plan successfully. The organizing function enables a firm to bring together resources such as workforce and raw materials necessary to accomplish the predetermined goals. Therefore, staffing constitutes a key element in a firm’s organization effort. Tripathi and Reddy (2008) define organization to include the process of selecting and training employees. Moreover, organizing also entai ls establishing a strong relationship amongst the workforce. The relationship is developed by assigning responsibilities and instituting a form of authority. The employees get specific responsibilities from the corresponding authority to execute the task. IBM has a well-developed organizational structure that comprises a number of departments. Every department is assigned a specific role. However, all the departments collaborate with each other in undertaking their duties, and thus the firm is in a position to achieve synergy. Leadership and organizational success Leadership is vital in the operation and performance of organizations. Tripathi and Reddy (2008) define leadership to include the process through which organizational managers determine how they will impress the subordinates. The objective of leadership is to develop a high level of cooperation amongst employees hence increasing the likelihood of achieving the set goals. Effective organizational leadership enables an organ ization to attract, develop, and retain a strong workforce. Thus, the probability of an organization building a strong organizational brand increases. Below is an analysis of how effective leadership is essential in promoting organizational success. Effective leadership contributes to organizational success by enhancing a firm’s ability to cope with changes. Currently, the IT industry is experiencing an increment in the rate at which new IT products are being developed. Firms and individuals are investing in research and development in an effort to develop products that will address the existing market needs. In a bid to thrive in such an environment, it is critical for firms to implement the necessary changes. The type of leadership adopted determines the employees’ perception regarding the desired change and hence their level of commitment. Poor leadership may lead to employee resistance towards change hence affecting the organization’s competitiveness negativ ely. One of the elements that have enhanced IBM’s success relates to effective leadership. Since its inception, IBM has managed to develop and implement innovative leadership. Furthermore, the firm perceives challenging and complex situations as critical in its success. Consequently, it is capable of identifying potential business opportunities from the complex business situations. In a bid to exploit such situations, IBM values employees who are creative, imaginative, and innovative. Its choice of such employees hinges on the need to engage in continuous product development and improvement. However, this goal is only achievable if employees get an opportunity to exercise their ideas. Thus, IBM has adopted transformational leadership style. The transformational leadership style adopted by IBM has enabled the firm to be effective in its new and continuous product development. Organizational identification has considerable influence in the development of organizational behavior and hence the attainment organizational goals. Harrington (2006) defines organizational identity to include the distinctive and unique characteristic of an organization as perceived by employees. Positive organization identification influences the employees’ decision to continue working in a particular organization. The leadership style adopted increases the degree of congruence between employees and the professed organizational values. A high degree of fit between employees and the organizational values influences the level of employee satisfaction. Moreover, effective leadership improves the degree of cohesion and collaboration between employees. Thus, nurturing effective leadership enables organizations to build mutual trust, hence increasing cooperation and information sharing amongst employees, which culminates in improved organizational performance. The organizational leadership adopted does not only influence the degree of organizational identification amongst employe es, but also other external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and the general public. Therefore, leadership influences an organization’s public image. IBM has developed â€Å"360 degree of trust† that cuts across all its constituents which include the clients, business partners, and communities. Some of the values that the firm has nurtured include integrity, trusting in the employees’ capabilities, positive intent, and accountability. Importance of team management and communication in the organization According to Harrington (2006), communication is the most important element in human resource management. Through communication, an organization is able to improve the level of transparency and cooperation amongst employees. Effective communication is essential in an organizations’ effort to achieve its goals and objectives. Thus, managers should nurture effective communication in order to perform their managerial functions, which include planning, leading, directing, controlling, and organizing more effectively. Organizations can adopt diverse strategies in developing their organization strategy. Some of these strategies include one-way, two-way, and five-way communication strategies. The five-way system is also known as the star communication system and is the most effective. The five-way system entails communication in five main directions, which include up, sideways, down, the customers, and suppliers. IBM has adopted the five-way communication system. First, communication ensures that employees are well informed about their duties, responsibilities, and the operational standards to follow in the course of executing the assigned duties. Moreover, communication enables organizational managers to inform the employees if their performance falls below expectations. Thus, it plays a critical in promoting motivation amongst employees. Secondly, communication aids in the development of an environment that is conducive for workin g. Nurturing effective communication enables employees to socialize with their colleagues. The likelihood of sharing new knowledge and information that is vital in the organization’s success increases. Therefore, organizations are in a position to formulate alternative course of action. Communication also plays a fundamental role in altering the employees’ attitude regarding their job and the organization in general. Well-informed employees are more likely to have a positive attitude regarding their job compared to insufficiently informed employees. In addition to the above elements, communication improves the effectiveness with which an organization implements the control function. For example, through communication, an organization ensures that the employees’ behaviors align with the set procedures and standards. In addition to communication, teamwork is another important aspect in the operation of an organization. Currently, organizations are increasingly ado pting teamwork in an effort to enhance their competitiveness. An organization can accrue a number of benefits through teamwork. First, a firm can improve the scope of work undertaken by employees on a daily basis. Through teamwork, employees share their talents and skills with their team members hence increasing the likelihood of attaining high performance. Secondly, teamwork contributes towards development of a strong workforce, as employees from different ethnicities and backgrounds can interact and work together. Such interaction improves the likelihood of an organization developing a strong organizational culture. In pursuit for high competitive advantage, organizations are increasingly adopting the concept of projects. The projects are designed to achieve a specific goal. For example, IBM invests in projects aimed at developing new information communication technologies. However, the success of such projects depends on the quality of teamwork implemented. Teamwork promotes orga nizational performance by providing organizations with an opportunity to develop a strong human capital. Currently, organizations can hire employees from different regions irrespective of physical distance due to the high rate of technological development, which has led to the emergence of virtual teams. Consequently, teamwork promotes organizational performance by increasing the likelihood of effective project management and coordination amongst project team members. Contribution of social responsibility IBM is cognizant of the importance of achieving sustainable growth. One of the ways through which the firm intends to achieve this is by investing in corporate social responsibility. Bose (2002) defines corporate social responsibility to include how organizations manage their operations in order to influence the society in which they operate. Corporate social responsibility is based on three main pillars, which include social, environmental, and economic actions. IBM has benefited in a number of ways by investing in corporate social responsibility. First, the firm has developed a positive reputation in the global market. A large number of individuals desire to work in the firm. Therefore, the firm has developed a strong workforce. Moreover, the employees’ level of productivity has improved significantly while the rate of labor turnover in the firm has reduced. Investing in corporate social responsibility has also played a critical role in minimizing regulatory influence from the government. Thus, the firm operates smoothly. Social responsibility has also led to improvement in the firm’s level of sales and customer loyalty by ensuring that the products being developed are of high quality. In summary, social responsibility has also contributed towards IBM becoming a â€Å"stakeholder balanced† organization hence achieving positive financial performance. Contribution of ethical behavior IBM is committed towards ensuring that all its operatio ns are ethical by being employee and customer-focused. First, the firm ensures that all its operations are focused towards customer satisfaction. In a bid to achieve this goal, the firm ensures that the products produced are of high quality. Secondly, the firm has implemented an effective customer service policy. Thus, IBM has developed a high level of customer satisfaction. Consequently, IBM has managed to develop a strong customer base hence increasing its sales revenue and profit. Similarly, the firm ensures that its employees are treated well. IBM has integrated a comprehensive employee reward system that comprises both financial and non-financial benefits. Secondly, the firm does not discriminate employees based on any demographic variable. Consequently, employees have developed a high degree of organizational identification hence improving their desire to stay in the firm. The firm operates in a manner that does not affect the society negatively. For example, the firm ensures that its operations do not contribute to environmental pollution. Consequently, its public image has improved significantly. Conclusion Effective management has played an essential role in IBM’s success. Despite this aspect, the firm cannot rule out the possibility of negative impacts emanating from the internal and external sources. However, firms can cope with such occurrences through effective management. Continuous review of the management strategies is paramount in order to make the necessary adjustments. Moreover, the management strategies adopted should focus on both the internal and external stakeholders, which will improve the firm’s market position and its competitiveness. Reference List Bose, D. (2002). Principles of management and administration. New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. DuBrin, A. (2009). Essentials of management. Mason, OH: Thomson Business and Economics. Harrington, H. (2006). Resource management excellence: the art of excelling in  resource ma nagement. Chicago, CA: Paton Press. Tripathi, P., Reddy, N. (2008). Principles of management. New Delhi, India: Tata McGraw-Hill. This report on The role of management in organizational success was written and submitted by user Justus Rowland to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

List Building Tricks to Get 10,000 Subscribers Fast (Bryan Harris Interview)

List Building Tricks to Get 10,000 Subscribers Fast (Bryan Harris Interview) List Building Tricks to Get 10,000 Subscribers Fast (Bryan Harris Interview) We’ve all been there. One minute we’re sitting at our desk (or shower or in our car) when we’re struck by a genius idea that HAS to get out. We start to write and create without any thought to things like marketing or list building.Bryan Harris, serial entrepreneur and founder of, calls this â€Å"writing in a cave.† He says writers/entrepreneurs need to avoid the â€Å"cycle of guaranteed failure† by really thinking about what needs to be done leading up to your book. If your book is something that only your mom and grandma know about, then your book launch is in trouble. Bryan stumbled upon his professional passion when he discovered the world of video editing and fell in love with the industry. Since then, he says that he’s been going crazy growing his new business. Through his business trials and tribulations, Bryan has gained valuable insight on how to grow an audience and launch your first book. Bryan learned that a lot o f strategies don’t work, but he’s developed some time-tested list building tricks that do work.Bryan says you should â€Å"Think of your list as a group of people eagerly waiting to buy from you. If you build it and nurture it right, you will have lifelong fans.†Ã‚  Debunking 3 Popular MythsBryan debunks three popular myths about growing your list and number of subscribers.Myth 1:You have to have the perfect idea.There’s the myth of waiting until everything is perfect to take action. The problem with this is that perfection is unattainable. If you wait for everything to be perfect to start a project, you’ll never start anything. You don’t find customers for your product, instead find products for your customers. Get people and an audience first, then the rest will follow. Myth 2: You have to be an expert in something before you can build your list and launch your book. A second common myth is that you need to establish yourself as an expert before you launch your book. Don’t fall prey to this myth. We caution you about attempting to play the part of guru. It’s far more effective to take a learn out loud approach. Take a topic and ask, â€Å"Are you curious about the topic? Can you share what you learn? Are you able to be humble, kind, and giving?† You can then share this information by phrasing it as, â€Å"Here are lessons you learned †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and your audience will respond. Myth 3: You don’t have to have a lot of extra time. Extra time is an imaginary construct. There will never be enough of it. Don’t lose the chance to achieve your dreams by waiting for the elusive moment when you have plenty of time.Rather than waiting for an excess of time (which will never happen!), make an effort to do what you can, when you can. Commit to doing the right things in the right order, and little by little, you’ll make headway. 4 Tricks to Grow Your List (Plus a Bonus!)Trick 1: Upside Down HomepageAn upside down homepage is the first step to getting your first  100 subscribers. Allocate at least five hours for this update. What is the single obvious thing you want people to do when they come to your page? It’s not what you may think. It’s not the sidebar, not the social media buttons, not the menu it’s the above-the-fold call to action!Use this space to encourage people to subscribe, not to go to other pages. With this tactic, you can boost your subscriber rate from  1% (with a traditional homepage) to 13-15% (with an upside down homepage).Trick 2: Pick Your List GoalThe single most important strategy to boost your list is to select your list goal. This will take you just two minutes to do, but it’s crucial. You have to focus on this to be successful! Here’s what you do: Pick your number goal, then write this goal down on paper. Next, tape this on your wall to keep you accountable. Visual reminders help keep you on track. Even if you’re a writer, ultimately you’re still an entrepreneur. Don’t forget what you are working toward! Don’t get distracted and you’ll later reap the rewards of your efforts. Trick 3: Launch Team Strategy Another key component to your success is your launch team strategy. You have 24  hours to implement this strategy.Here’s how you tackle building a launch team. First, start with a group of people. You should make a list of five people you know. Then, personally invite these five people to join your list. Next, you’ll then reach out to everyone you know. You want to make this process personal, so people will feel as though they are invited to something special. Personally invite each and every person who’s on your list. Continue to write names and email addresses down on paper. Start simple and repeat until you run out of people to ask. Your goal is to get to 100  invitees. Trick 4: Poster Boy Formula The Poster Boy Fo rmula should take just 30  minutes per week, but can yield huge results toward boosting your list.Step one is to make a list of five products you purchase, blogs you read, or podcasts you follow. Write down one big win you’ve experienced from using their product. Let them know about your  results and thank them. Also, share testimonials and link back to your shares.The Poster Boy Formula can get you shout outs, inclusion on emails, social media sites, and guest posts. Ultimately, all of this goodwill can earn you subscribers.Bonus Trick: Create a Smartbribe A final trick to consider is to offer a â€Å"Smartbribe.† This tactic is simple to implement. Just install as an enhancement to your current opt-in service. This easy to use feature asks people to share on social media in exchange for a bonus offer you create and â€Å"bribe† them with. This simple step can help grow your list even faster.Bryan Harris offers his best list building tips and tactics to help you grow your list and earn subscribers. Before you know it, you’ll on your way to earning 10,000 subscribers FAST!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Apple with Porters Model and Core Capabilities Essay Example for Free

Apple with Porter’s Model and Core Capabilities Essay Apple Inc was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak with another 20 employees, the company started in Steve’s garage. Apple inc and its subsidiaries or collectively Apple is a manufactures, design and owner of variety of high technology included media player, portable music player, personal computer, smart phone, tablet as well as selling the related digital products like software, network services, third party digital content and application for Apple’s products. Apple first announced new innovated laptops called the Mac book and the most important step for further success is the accessing the MP3 player with their own iPod in 2001. Moreover, they even entered the recently mobile phone industry with the Smartphone- Iphone in 2008. Apple has been changing the entire of the market with the position of the world’s largest producer of PC’s main marketshare holder. The featured products of Apple in the recent years include Iphone, Ipad, mac, Ipod high reted platform and its application for consumers in the iOs and Mac Os. From being Pc producer at the beginning of 80’s, with controlling a small share of industry, after several circumstances it changed to be the success organisation due to its Mac computers and other products are profitable. But there is only temporary issues for Apple to claim its market lead position in the PC industry. Apple success analysis with Porter’s strategies and Core Capabilities Goal and structure of this report In this report, a review of the current situation of personal computer industry and Apple’s PC Business and discuss: Review the of Apple by giving a brief introduction of the organisation and history of the products that are developed by Apple. Critically evaluate Porter’s five forces model and Porter’s generic strategies and discuss the extent to which these ideas by giving our strategic advice to aid the company in attaining sustainable for competitive advantage within the PC industry. Critically discuss the concept of core competencies and explain how the Apple could build on its core capabilities to enhance their further strategy. We end this report with our recomendation and our conclusion on the subject. Apple several times confirmed to bring the best user experience to their consumers thourgh their innovative products. Besides, Apple’s strategy creates a unique power to develop its own unique platform with superior quality with the simplest design and easy to approach. Apple continues to invest in research and development and marketing to maintain their products’s positions in markets. As a part of plan, Apple has been expanding its platform to delivery of third party digital content and applications via the itune which allows customers to download applications, books, music through either iOs’s products namely iPhone, iPad or Mactonish as well as Windows computers. Apple also has been supporting the information technology community in the world for the development of third party software and hardware products. Apple’s strategies in plan include both expanding its sale market to close reach more consumers and serve a superior before and after purchases su pport experience. Porter’s Five forces Competitive Force 1: Rivalry among Existing Firms Apple mainly get involve two field in the hardware industry are the personal computer and portable devices markets. According to the Credit Suisse First Boston, it is estimated that personal computer growth in 2005 will be approximately 8%, which is 3% lower than 2004. And concentration in this market which is controlled by a few very large competitors who have a great deal of capital invested in the firms, namely, Dell, HP Compaq, Gateway, and Apple. In 2005, Dell and Apple are speculated to have the most potential to increase market share in the PC market due to lack of new product introductions by other firms and the anticipation of Microsoft Longhorn in 2006. If Apple is able to increase its market share by a few percentage points, its profits and ability to spend on marketing, and research and development (R&D) could allow them to become a much more serious player. Currently, Apple dominates the portable music industry music market with an estimated 90% for hard disk based players, and 65% of the total portable music market. In both the personal computer and portable music markets, component costs are large part of the total hardware costs, but through Apple’s product differentiation and higher pricing they are able to counteract the price wars that usually ensue under such conditions. Finally, there are little to no exit barriers in either market, which could be advantageous in ousting some of Apple’s competition in the future. Competitive Force 2: Threat of New Entrants There are no many large companies that take the huge shares in market, who these are Dell, Hp, Compaq. There are large economies of scale in PC market, and it limits the new threat of entrants. The threat of entry, therefore, puts a cap on the profi t potential of an industry (Porter 2008 p 4). A new entrant have to create advantages to compare the old strong ones in computer market. And that is not the only one barrie which limits new entrant, patents of forms are legal barriers where late rival can not be competitive giant. The more patents on personal computer designs, the more competitive the leaders can get, which is not an easy for new entrant and get over with out huge amount of start-up capital in the modern market. Moreover, basically, there are two main operating systems for PC: windows and Mac OS X, and the second one is impossible to get license for new entrants. Apple is comfortable with enjoying the one of first starter in hardware manufactors of creating innovative products include Iphone, iPod while numerous portable devices in markets in last five years which are not different from others or the advantages are not enough to controll the market like Apple has been doing. The threat of a counter of consumers who eventually are being shy away from company’s dominace. The fact is the phenomenon when Microsoft is on the top of OS market and some of consumers are heading to another ocean and Mac oS and Linux are samples. Eventhough it is not an immediate threat, Apple could be aware of that. Competitive Force 3: Threat of Substitute Products On the side of PC, Apple’s market contains a huge number of products from above rivals. Especially, each of competitors possess a wide range of products in term of designs, prices, functions. It would seem as Apple PC can be replaced anytime in case of Apple’s products do not against the same level products. When the threat of substitutes is high, industry profitability suffers (Porter 2008 p7). In the last few year, Apple has reduced the concentration in PC and portable music player, it is not only because it do not create economical benefits or lack of competition. Apple recently focus on the smart phone side because it is now more competitive and provide more profit than others. The new smart phones have annouced in every season with new design and function, in term of price and level, Iphone always stays on top luxury phone while Nokia, Samsung or HTC still take pole on the low price phone to get more customers. They could be out of perform of Apple in both speed and quality, the company has set apart from other by keeping core capilities and be unique in the market. Apple would have to stay on the old road to be innovative and price- quality in conscious of loyal users as well as leading the market as the strategy against rivals. Competitive Force 4: Bargaining Power of Buyers Apple since start-up moment, always concentrate on differentiation itself from rivals by keep inside of unique way. Apple’s product represent for the symbol of innovation, luxury and high technology, by the feature of innovation, Apple sets them apart from market. The buyers less concern in term of price when give decision to purchase a product from Apple’s stores. In market, Apple create their own position for their products as it is difficult to get the same products with similar functions as well as stylish look. Moreover, customers of Apple have low relative bargaining power to consider buying a high volume of Apple’s products. Businessess are much more concern bargaining power when it end up purchasing PC or devices of Apple, in the other side, individual buyers are not literally controlling over Apple to their prices. Once Apple sells to end consumer, it has basically secured future purchases of the related products due to a lack of substitutes and third party replacement. It is more likely monopoly and give customers less relative bargaining power and substitutes to shop for better options or their demands of software and hardware upgrade. Competitive Force 5: Bargaining Power of Suppliers The company applied the strategy to take partner with various suppliers for manufacture Apple’s components for their products. In fact, Apple does not apple any limit for single supplier for process of assemble final products. This is an ace for Apple to deal with suppliers and give them less bargaining power concerning price. It is not rare in modern business, Apple used to be an alliance with Foxconn to assemble most of products, especially new Iphone and Ipad. Besides, they uses both Nvidia and ATI for video cards in computers to avoid any negative bargain in price negotiation. According to Apple report, This is the same for its motherboards (ASUSTeK and Ambit Microsystems), Display units (Samsung, Toshiba, International Display Technology), storage devices (Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Western Digital, Seagate), and CD/DVD drives (Samsung, Hitachi Global, and LG. Phillips Co.). Powerful suppliers capture more of the value for themselves by charging higher prices,limiting quality or services, or shifting costs to industry participants (Porter 2008 p5). Porter’s Genetic Cost Leadership Strategy Cost Leadership corresponds to the â€Å"no frills† experience, like the low-cost airline carriers, who choose the cost leadership strategy to achieve competitive advantage. Apple make differentiation by making products feel uniquely from those companies or more appealing to customer demand. It is count on your several impacts, like industry, market, consumer demand, and the nature of organisation and services. This is known as differentiation strategy (Grant 2005:241-242).The key success factor of the differentiation strategy is to make it either very difficult or high level of price for rivals to replicate Apple’s ones. To achieve that, the companies have to focus on: * Production and delivery of high-quality and unique products or services; * Marketing and sales to create awareness and desire for it’s unique products. Apple is playing on niche markets. Companies pursuing Focus Strategies have a deep understanding of a particular market and the unique needs of it’s customers. They can therefore develop unique lower cost or differentiated products or services for that specific market. These companies usually have a very strong brand loyalty amongst their customers and tend to monopolize that segment (particularly in smaller markets), making it less attractive to competitors thus mitigating the risk of attack from other niche players, new entrants or broad market competitors looking to enlarge their customer base through product or service specialization. Steve Jobs and Apple’s Core Capabilities Core Strengths For one, Apple has a powerful footing in the personal computer market by being â€Å"different† with its innovative style and ease of use. Its operating system is developed in house, leaving it free from the tangles of the dominant like Microsoft operating systems. Central to an approach to strategy is organisation core capabilities which explains how company creates values and achieves superior performance, it also is the proven strength that it is different from other organisations in the market because of tacit knowledge, historical investments over time, relationships, human capital, and its culture (Lynn Perry Wooten p 7).In most of cases, there are include customer service, brand value, quality of products, organisational culture, human resources, and financial strength. Since the return of S. Jobs, Apple’s core capability approach the definition of innovation and easy to use for every end users, and digital products stick to lifestyle of consumers via functions and designs. Apple concentrate on development and sales of its core products include OS, software to hardware and portable devices. Since Apple is already recognized as one of the main leaders in the portable music market they have the ability to further increase their company image and quality image reputation. This will allow Apple to maintain their already well established clientele as well as attract new customers. The closed system is sealing the core of Apple’s strategy since Mac Os or iOS will not give license , only accept music and video through iTunes and recently the only partner of Apple in the US is AT&T for sale of iPhones. The begin of Apple is starting dominating in the market, it creates a concious in typical consumers’s mind that the design of Apple’s one is technically symbols of art of simple and fashionable. Apple engineers and designers figure that the products shoul have to look like and designate its features, and they bring that to life, wrapped with a user-friendly interface. Recommendation for the company to build based on core capabilities Use SWOT Analysis to determine your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in each Generic Strategy scenario; Use Porter’s Five Forces to assess the balance of power and how it might affect your company; Use the Congruence Model or the McKinsey 7S Framework to determine what performance drivers your company would have in each scenario; Cross-analyze the results of each finding and work out which Generic Strategy provides the strongest set of options. Reduce cost across the value-chain by engaging with specialist suppliers; Make smart investments in specialized technology to increase production efficiency; Eliminate activities in the value-chain that are superfluous in you target segment; * Limit production to specialized products for your target segment. In a Differentiation Focus Strategy companies can: * Make its products or services increasingly specialized; * Increase differentiation through innovation and your specialized knowledge of your target customers’ needs. From our analysis and research we can lead the following statement: eventhough with superior products, Apple still stay on top with a bewared threats from rivals in their sides of markets of high tech products and digital contents. This can be explained by their own success in last ten years with the counters from both consumers and competitors. Futhermore, the bigger the company is, the more innovative and responsible the structure of Apple needs to be maintain the values of culture in organisation as well as speed of growth in development of Apple in future. By being opposite the side of strength inside the company, competitors have been learning from them and concentrate on the weakness of the core capabilities of strategy which Apple stays on the unique nature beyond the market. Reference 1. Building a Company the Steve Jobs’ Way: A Positive Deviance Approach to Strategy- Lynn Perry Wooten, PhD 2. Comprehensive Business Analysis 3. THE FIVE COMPETITIVE FORCES THATby Michael E. Porter SHAPE IN ESSENCE, the job of the strategist is to under-STRATEGY 4. 5. 6. 7. Porter’s Genetic strategy Apple with Porter’s Model and Core Capabilities. (2016, Dec 24).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How is sexual identity explored in Twefth Night Essay

How is sexual identity explored in Twefth Night - Essay Example espeare not only has exhibited equal mastery in his treatment of both tragedy and comedy but also he has exposed the true facts of life through his respective treatment of both genres of Tragedy and Comedy. Due to the cultural evolution during the time of Renaissance, people’s understanding of the society as well as relationship between genders received a different angle of interpretation. Shakespearean dramas, sonnets and Metaphysical poetry are best evidences that reflect such realization of people. This aspect is quite clear among Shakespeare’s sonnet composition, where he has provided a great deal of emphasis over friendship between two males. It is through his verse that the poet has attempted to preserve the physical beauty of his male friend. Sonnet no. 18-126 are excellent examples of such attempt from the poet and in the later sonnets (127-152) Shakespeare has attempted to describe the beauty of a dark lady and the poet has also provided highest importance to m emorize such beauty through his verse. Thus, it is clear from Shakespeare’s treatment of sexuality that love and appreciative mentality of beauty are such virtues that are never dependent over the any kind of gender biasness or sexual identity. His realization has also been reflected in his comedies of which As You Like It and Twelfth Night are classic examples. Unexplored sexual identity, in both these dramas, has played very important role in orienting the action, theme as well as pace but at the same time both the dramas have clearly expressed the fact that love does not depend over sexual identity. It is the most important of all humane virtues and a person, who has fallen in love with his/her partner, does not change the expression of love according to his/her sexual identity. Themes of deception and disguise have occupied a special place among the major Shakespearean comedies, such as Taming of the Shrew, As You like It or Twelfth Night. Looking at the renaissance society, a critical

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International Resort and Spa Mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Resort and Spa Mangement - Essay Example On one hand, they interact with the customers and getting the information from an external environment. On the other hands, Boundary Spanners are also the communicate stage between management team and customers. So the company has to achieve and motivate them to get the effective performance. The Boundary spanning individuals develop partnerships and collaboration though building sustainable relationship, seeking to understand the motives, responsibilities and roles and also managing through influence and negotiation. For the organizations, they will create the strategic alliances, to join working arrangement and partnerships of collaboration to pass the organizational boundaries. (Williams, 2002) As the theory from Kurt Lwin and his associates at the University of Lowa (1938), they mention about the different style and level of empowerment to the staff such as Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. It verifies the important of employee to be empowered and how it provides a higher quality work with participative leadership. (Cherry, 2014) The empowerment in management is needed, it provide the area and stage for the employee to make a decision and critical think the best way to finish the job, it improve work and staff quality. In the hotel industry, one of the best examples of a successful business with empowerment in management is Ritz-Carlton. The Ritz-Carlton was the best employer again in 2013 because the company always trusts and says, â€Å"This award identifies the valuable contribution each person makes to our business on a daily occasion. We pursue to build a culture that stands up to our credo and where each principles of trust are applied, respect, honesty, veracity to exploit the talent to the advantage of each person and the company.† (Ritz-Carlton, 2013) The company respects and trusts the employee’s opinions and offers them the empowerment to make a decision during interact with customers. It brings up the positive effect for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Academic dishonesty Essay Example for Free

Academic dishonesty Essay You are expected to demonstrate professionalism throughout your graduate education program. Professionalism includes the ways you participate in the university classroom and in teaching experiences in school. Your professional disposition is reviewed by advisors, professors, and the Professional Standards Committee. Exhibiting professionalism in the university classroom and the schools is a necessary requirement for continuing in the program. |Areas of | |Professional Dispositions | | | |Dependability and Reliability – Candidate demonstrates behaviors that are characteristic of the professional teacher such as | |punctuality, attendance and organization. Lessons are very well-planned and presented. | |Respect -Candidate demonstrates respect for supervisors and colleagues, students and other educational stakeholders, and is held in| |esteem by peers and supervisors. | |Commitment and Initiative – Candidate demonstrates commitment to learning and students; creates different learning strategies for | |students; and shares new and unusual professional resources with colleagues. | |Responsiveness – Candidate seeks and values constructive feedback from peers, instructors, and mentors; and goes beyond the call of| |duty to utilized feedback in teaching and planning. | |Collaboration Candidate creates positives relationships within the university classroom and with stakeholders in the school | |community as well as suggests tips for sustaining positive relationships. See more:Â  First Poem for You Essay | |Open-Mindedness Candidate demonstrates willingness that is characteristic of professionals in terms of willingness to examine | |both traditional and innovative practices, and demonstrates flexibility when dealing with uncertainty and complex educational | |issues through personal extensive inquiry and consultation. | |Knowledgeable – Candidate demonstrates awareness of current educational issues and demonstrates the ability to illustrate and apply| |subject matter concepts consistently and sequentially in lessons. | |Communication Candidate demonstrates the ability to effectively write and speak, how to assist students in successfully utilizing| |applicable concepts of the language arts in terms of mastery as indicated by students’ work and grades. | |Confidentiality Candidate demonstrates characteristics of the professional teachers such as sharing information about students | |and specific classroom anecdotes in confidential and respectful ways. Candidate shares information only with those who need to | |know. | |Academic Honesty Candidate demonstrates academic honesty, a behavior that is characteristic of a professional teacher by | |producing independent, original work. | |Appearance Candidate consistently wears appropriate professional attire while teaching. | |Teaching Effectiveness Candidate demonstrates the ability to plan and to engage students in productive learning events that | |feature critical and insightful thinking, and demonstrates effective management skills by using a variety of strategies to foster | |appropriate student behavior according to individual and situational needs. | |Fairness Candidate engages in practices that recognize all students, and all students received constructive feedback and | |encouragement. Student progress is recognized as well as mastery. All students believe that they can improve. | |Bias Candidate engages in practices that recognize all students and encourage active student participation in activities and | |discussion that highlight the value of diversity and the richness of student’s experience. | I have read and understood this statement of my professional responsibilities. Student Name (print)_______________________________________ Date __________________ Revised 7/1/2011 IV. Go to this link http://www. lib. usm. edu/legacy/plag/plagiarismtutorial. php and go through the plagiarism tutorial. Remember that using a paper, article review, etc. from another course is also considered plagiarism. Send the posttest scores to my email address. V. Please read the Academic Integrity Policy (located under content) before signing the documents below. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Student Signature Form Academic Honor Pledge I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved in cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or any other acts of academic dishonesty as defined by university policy which explains the disciplinary procedure resulting from violations of academic integrity. I understand that violation of this code will result in penalties, which could include suspension or dismissal from the university. (Student Handbook AKA The Red Book) Initial each below that is applicable. __________I have read and understand the Academic Honor Pledge above. __________I have read and understand the Academic Integrity Policy provided in the Student Handbook AKA The Red Book. __________The instructor, _____________________________, covered the Academic Integrity Policy in class, EDU _____________ for the _________________ term. __________I have gone over one or both of the tutorials (links provided in the syllabus) on plagiarism. ____________________________________________________________ Print Name Date VI. Read Chapter 1 in your TestBook and the Introduction Powerpoint located under Module I before completing the questions below. Classify each by research type: descriptive/survey, correlational, causal-comparative, experimental, or qualitative. If causal-comparative or experimental, identify the independent and dependent variables. If correlational, identify predictor and criterion variables if there are any. 1. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between creativity and achievement. 2. The purpose of this research is to examine prediction of success in physics based on a physics aptitude test. 3. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of birth order on academic achievement. 4. The purpose of this research is to examine self-esteem of males versus females 5. The purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of parents toward lowering the mandatory school attendance age from 16 to 14 years of age. 6. The purpose of this research is to examine the ethnography of teacher-parent conferences. 7. The purpose of this research is to examine opinions of principals regarding decentralization of decision-making. 8. The purpose of this research is to examine effects of assertive discipline on the behavior of children with hyperactivity. 9. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the time it takes to run the 100-yard dash and high jumping performance. 10. The purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of daily homework with respect to achievement in Algebra I. 11. The purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of teachers toward school-based management. 12. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of superintendents via observations and conversations. 13. The purpose of this research is to examine comparative effectiveness of the whole-language method versus the basal method of reading instruction. 14. The purpose of this research is to examine trends in reading methods from 1950 to 1990. 15. The purpose of this research is to examine if children’s social adjustment in Grade 1 is enhanced by increased dramatic play in kindergarten. 16. The purpose of this research is to examine if there is a negative relationship between amount of assigned homework and student attitude toward school. 17. The purpose of this research is to examine if longer school days produce a decrease in student participation in extra-curricular activities. The purpose of this research is to examine if students will achieve better in mathematics if they use Saxon Textbooks rather than if they use Merrill Textbooks.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sherwood Andersons paper Pills: Deception In The Title

Sherwood Anderson's "Paper Pills": Deception In The Title Sherwood Anderson, in the title â€Å"Paper Pills,† tries to persuade us, the readers, in believing the short story is going to be about some kind of drug. Anderson in the other hand turns every thing around to tell us a story about two people falling in-love. The story begins with a description of Doctor Reefy and a brief description of the young woman. Then he tells the reader about the â€Å" twisted apples† (71)that represent doctor Reefy. Anderson begins characterize Doctor Reefy in his opening paragraph. The reader is given some facial and body features of the doctor. The â€Å"... white beard a huge nose and hands† (71) that Anderson puts as a description, making Reefy seem old, ugly, and worn out to the reader. The doctor kept to himself after his wife died. Reefy started smoking a cob pipe and sat in his empty office by a window that he never opened. On a hot summer day the doctor tried to open the window but when the window did not budge, Reefy did not attempt to reopen the dusty window again. Reefy was so devastated about his wife passing away that he did not care about him self for over ten years. The young woman was well off and needs to find a husband to help her take care of the farm that she inherited from her parents. She was tall, dark, and beautiful with lots of money. As the unwanted â€Å"twisted apples† are left on the tree to rotten -- so is Do...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Developments in transportation Essay

Developments in transportation, rather than in manufacturing and agriculture, sparked American growth in the first half of the 19th century; moreover, it was the booming railroad industry, the country massive turnpikes, and the canals promoting water travel that sparked American growth in the first half of the 19th century. Railroads had been in the making for years, and they just kept improving, thus improving the ease of news spread and travel throughout the United States. The turnpikes going from city to city brought ease in trading goods and transportation. In addition, the canals, such as the Erie Canal, promoted the thought of water travel leading to many key inventions and vehicles. Although developments in manufacturing and agriculture had a profound effect upon American economic growth in the first half of the nineteenth century, developments in transportation had a larger effect, as well as serving as the catalyst for the developments in manufacturing and agriculture. Railroads made the west accessible. They encouraged the migration and settlement of the western United States. Because of the railroads assisting people in moving out west, a need formed for new agricultural methods and tools to farm in the new environment. The Gold Rush in California only grew so popular due to the railroads bringing ease of travel to people heading out west. The Railroad industry also opened up the western areas of the United States to business, industry, and trade. It continued to influence developments of industry, so more products could be made, shipped, and sold. The railroad system also created the demand for new modes of communication, such as the telegraph, because there was more distance to cover, thus opening a whole new market in the communication industry. One of the most important achievements the railroad’s brought to the United States was the introduction of time zones to accommodate for the inter-state trade. By 1820, turnpikes connected almost all major cities in the United States.  They facilitated trade between areas of the country that were previously isolated, thus raising the economy in certain places. Turnpikes also provide a quicker and easier mode of transportation for people, therefore helping to decrease the standard of economic self-sufficiency. This meant people were less likely to be stuck growing their own food, making their own clothes, etc. because they now had a much easier trip to town where they could buy these goods. Canals became popular from about 1815-1840. The most famous canal was the Erie Canal. It opened an inexpensive and quick way to travel from the east to the west. Before the Erie Canal only the east coast had been readily accessible by water. Canals promoted trade between the eastern and western regions, sparking industrial development in the formerly farm-oriented west. Canals made New York City a major trade center. They allowed New York to prosper and continue to grow as an industrial powerhouse, creating more jobs and factories. This is what gave New York the advantage over cities like Baltimore and Philadelphia. The canals also promoted the development of the steamship, created first by Robert Fulton. All in all, the statement, â€Å"developments in transportation, rather than in manufacturing and agriculture, sparked American growth in the first half of the 19th century† is a valid statement. The advancements made in transportation is what led to the advancements made in manufacturing and agriculture. If it weren’t for the railroads, turnpikes, and canals, most of the manufacturing and agriculture developments would not have been made, and America would have been stuck in the past.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bone and Joint Histology

* It is a specialised connective tissue. * Osteogenic cells ⇒ osteoblast (makes matrix, active when young, and after fracture) ⇒ osteocyte ⇒ osteoclast (functions in resorption, breakdown of bone matrix) (makes cavities) (from blood monocyte) Bone Functions * Framework for support of the skeleton * Protection: brain, spinal cord, lungs and heart * Levers for muscles attached to them via tendons * Reservoir for minerals e.g. calcium, magnesium, phosphates etc. Bone Matrix * Components * Extracellular matrix (ground substance and fibres) consists of inorganic material (65%) e.g. calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, fluoride, citrate, sulfate, and hydroxide. * Minerals give bone hardness and rigidity * Organic component (35%) mostly type I collagen (95%)- gives bone slight flexibility; and ground substance e.g. GAGs with proteoglycans, which contain chondroitin and keratin sulfates which give bone resilience * Development 1. Bone starts as osteoid, which is collagen and GAG’s with no minerals 2. Bone becomes mineralised (immature, primary, or woven bone). It is the first bone to appear in development and in repair after fractures 3. Bone starts to remodel as the adult form (mature, secondary, lamellar) Bone Cells 1. Osteoprogenitor (osteogenic) cells: from embryonic mesenchyme, which differentiate into osteoblasts. Found in inner cellular layer of the periosteum, lining Haversian canals, in the endosteum (lining medullary cavity) 2. Osteoblasts: derived from osteoprogenitor cells, form and grow new bone by synthesis of organic components of bone matrix. Found on the surfaces of existing bone tissue where they deposit new bone matrix (osteoid) which contains no minerals. Later mineralization occurs, tissue is new bone. Osteoblasts extend processes with neighbouring osteoblasts for molecular transport. Sit on the edge of bone. 3. Osteocytes: flat cells with small cytoplasmic processes. Aid in the maintenance of bone tissue and storage of minerals. Each osteoblast becomes surrounded by secreted matrix, once this occurs, the cell is known as an osteocyte (mature bone cell), and the space it occupies is a lacuna. Radiating out in all directions from the lacuna are tunnel-like spaces (canaliculi) which house the cytoplasmic processes of the osteocytes. The canaliculi allow transfer of nutrients, wastes between the osteocytes and blood. They are very active cells. Communicate via cytoplasmic processes in the canaliculi, metabolic communication. 4. Osteoclasts: large motile, multinucleated cells (150 um diameter) which contain up to 50 nuclei. These cells break up and resorb bone. Osteoclasts occupy shallow depressions (Howship’s lacunae). The ruffled border (infolded plasma membrane) is that part of the cell that is directly involved in the resorption of bone. It removes bone enzymatically, mineral deficiencies then the osteoclasts become active to release the minerals that have been stored in bone, hence the person becomes fracture prone. The multinuclear nature of the osteoclasts is a good identifying factor Periosteum and Endosteum * Vascular, fibrous layer surrounds bone except over articular surfaces. * 2 layers * Outer layer is collagen with some elastic fibres. This layer distributes vascular and nerve supply to bone. * Inner layer is cellular (osteogenic layer, osteoprogenitor cells), gives rise to new bone. * Central cavity of bone is lined with endosteum- thin CT composed of osteoprogenitor cells and osteoblasts. * From the outer layer of periosteum, fine bundles of collagenous fibres (Sharpey’s) penetrate the underlying bone at intervals to attach the periosteum, especially at the sites of attachment of tendons and ligaments. * The periosteum contains blood vessels, nerve endings, and ligament and tendon attachments. Mature bone Organisation * Dense (compact) at the edge * This type has Haversian systems (osteons) which is a complex of 4- 20 concentric, bony circular lamellae surrounding a central (Haversian) canal (20- 100 ÃŽ ¼m diameter) * The canal contains blood vessels, lymphatics, with a few unmyelinated nerve fibres, loose CT and flattened osteogenic cells and osteoblast cells that line the lumen of the canal * Osteocytes are in lacunae (in the concentric lamellae) located within or between the lamellae * A second arrangement of lamellae is found between the osteons (interstitial lamellae- formed by the collapse of old Haversian systems). These are remnants of older, partially resorbed Haversian systems. * A third arrangement (circumferential lamellae) are rings of bone around the entire bone, beneath the periosteum * Radiating from the lacunae are tiny channels (canaliculi). Processes of the osteocytes enter these canals and communicate with adjacent osteocytes where an exchange of gases occurs, nutrients are supplied to the cells and metabolic wastes are eliminated. * The Haversian canals communicate with the marrow cavity, the periosteum and with each other via the transverse Volkmann’s canals, which run at right angles to the long axis of the bone. Each osteon has a cement line of calcified ground substance with some collagen fibres. * Spongy (Cancelllous Bone): * This type is not organised into Haversian systems but is a meshwork of thin bars (lamellae) or trabeculae of bone lining the marrow cavity * The spaces within this latticework are filled with bone marrow. The trabeculae house osteocytes in lacunae that are fed by diffusion from the marrow cavity. Blood and Nerve Supply * Bones have periosteal vessels, which penetrate the bone of the diaphysis of long bones and divide into branches that enter the Haversian systems. These vessels supply the osteocytes embedded in the calcified matrix. * Larger vessels pierce the epiphysis to supply the spongy bone and the midshaft to supply the medullary cavity. * Small myelinated and unmyelinated nerves go into the Haversian canals. * The periosteum contains many pain fibres which makes it sensitive to injury e.g. blow to the tibia Bone Development and Growth Histogenesis (differentiation) * Bone development is mesodermal in origin and if the tissue is membrane like (a sheet of mesenchyme or loose CT), it is intramembranous bone formation * If bone replaces cartilage that is largely resorbed before bone is formed, this is endochondral (intracartilaginous) bone development. Intramembranous Bone formation * The process involves mesenchyme to bone directly (osteoblast laying bone) * Locations: flat bones, e.g. the skull, mandible, clavicle Endochondral bone formation * The process in this type of bone formation occurs in 2 steps: 1. A miniature hyaline cartilage model is formed in the region where the bone is to grow within the embryo 2. The cartilage model grows appositionally and interstitially and serves as a structural scaffold for bone development. It is then resorbed and replaced by bone (all the cartilage is replaced by bone) * Locations: long, short bones, pelvis and vertebrae Developing bone region at epiphyseal plate * Area between shaft and epiphysis is the epiphyseal plate. * Proliferation occurs at the epiphyseal aspect and replacement by bone takes place at the diaphyseal side of the plate * Growth at both ends of the bone is hormone regulated * There are a series of 5 zones beginning at the centre of the disc and go towards the diaphysis: 1. Zone of reserve cartilage (resting zone) : chondrocytes through the matrix are mitotically active producing hyaline cartilage 2. Zone of proliferation: chondrocytes proliferate and form stacks of cells that parallel the direction of bone growth. (Cartilage dies- lose blood cells- hence the bone invades the space) 3. Zone of maturation and hypertrophy (Expanding): chondrocytes mature, hypertrophy and accumulate glycogen in their cytoplasm. No mitosis occurs 4. Zone of calcification and cell death: Chondrocytes die and the cartilage matrix becomes calcified impregnated with calcium and phosphorus 5. Zone of ossification: blood vessels invade spaces left by the dying chondrocytes carrying osteoprogenitor cells from the periosteum and differentiate into osteoblasts which elaborate matrix that becomes calcified on the surface of calcified cartilage. As the matrix calcifies, some osteoblasts are entrapped as osteocytes and bone trabeculae are formed. Coalescence of trabeculae creates spongy bone. Resorption of spongy bone by osteoclasts in the centre of the diaphysis enlarges the medullary cavity. Summary of histochemical processes for both models of bone formation * Osteoblasts secrete osteoid with no minerals * Formation of primary bone whereby osteoid is mineralized * Formation of secondary bone as compact or spongy bone Growth in length of long bone * Due to interstitial growth of epiphyseal cartilage * Growth continues until around 20 when the epiphyseal plate closes (cartilage is replaced by bone) and growth in length stops Growth in width of long bone * As a result of appositional growth from the surface and resorption by osteoclasts of the inner shaft so that the marrow space can be enlarged Bone Remodelling * Continual remodelling occurs in response to forces (e.g. teeth growing jawbones). Bone is deposited due to traction and resorbed due to pressure. * In young, bone deposition exceeds bone resorption. In the adult bone deposition is balanced with resorption. Joints * Joints are classified according to the degree of movement between the bones of the joint: * Synarthroses: little or no movement. There are 3 types based on the tissue making up the union: * Syndesmosis is the union of bones by dense CT e.g tibiofibular and radioulnar joints * Synchondrosis is a junction by cartilage e.g. IVDs and symphysis pubis * Synostosis is a joint united by bone e.g. skull sutures (Starts off as fontanelles) * Diarthroidal (synovial) e.g. knee, hip, shoulder have great freedom of movement and have a CT capsule around a joint cavity held by ligaments. * The joint has an articular cartilage (hyaline) with no perichondrium. The capsule is lined (except over the articular surfaces) with a cellular, vascular, folded synovial membrane made of loose CT which secretes a viscous lubricating, synovial fluid. The viscosity of the fluid varies with temperature. *Fibrous- collagen- little to no movement- interosseous ligament *Gomphosis- tooth joined by cartilage

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tomorrow when the war began book review essays

Tomorrow when the war began book review essays The story starts when two teenagers, Ellie and Corrie, living in a country town decide to go bush for a few days. They werent allowed to go unless more people joined them, so they invite five more friends. Homer, Lee, Kevin, Robin and Fiona. They spend several days camping in a remote place that is called Hell. They return home after several days and find their pets either dieing or dead. They are then horrified to also discover their friends and family are missing. In search of other members of their town they head to the showground only to discover that their country has been invaded and their loved ones imprisoned. Seeking refuge they return to Hell and begin their struggle for survival. The story is told by Ellie, who decides to write it all down to leave a record of what happened in case they dont survive. It follows them as they set up a camp in Hell and then as the book progresses we learn more about each of the characters. While the book has received lots of praise and given Marsden a strong following of fans I found the book boring and I really didnt enjoy it. This was because the characters didnt appeal to me as they seemed unrealistic. I was unable to relate to them as I doubt that all of the teenagers would be as loyal, hardworking and able to come to grips with the though of the invasion so easily. They also display numerous amounts of quick thinking and the capability to think like soldiers even though they havent had any training. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

GRRRLZ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GRRRLZ - Essay Example The first performance, which was silent, represented the daily morning routine of the girls. It was the most successful scene in my opinion because all actors were together on the stage and each was focusing solely on the acting without paying any attention to the audience. Each actor had their own performance which they focused on. This ensured that the fourth wall between the characters and the audience remained intact. On the other hand, the most unsuccessful part of the performance in my opinion was scene #21, Las Hermanas. There were a lot of chatting at the beginning of this performance and I felt slightly bored by the long lines that the actors read. I think One of the major reasons why I felt bored was because the rest of the performances were short and had music, sound effects and dancing to complement them, whereas this performance was not only long, but merely featured actors reading their lines. I think that the actors worked well together, the performances were fluid, and the monologues and dancing were performed superbly. For example, performance #10, Ode to Daffiness, had the actors dancing and performing in sync. The singing and dancing were completely in sync with the music and were executed beautifully. All the actors were well casted and were perfect for their roles, however, I liked one actor in all her performances: the actress who played Natalie. I thought she acted, danced and sang superbly. What is more, she was very versatile: in performance #4, God’s Girls, she was acting the part of a young girl with another actor playing her sister. They were talking about lying and faith. Natalie was perfect in her portrayal of a young girl. Her way of talking with her sister as a child was very well acted. She even changed her voice during the performance, along with shouting and jumping around like a child. The actors changed their characters between each performance smoothly. I have not been witness to performances where the actors

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Max Weber Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Max Weber - Essay Example (Kilcullen, 1996) This important belief is said to have made the Calvinists quite anxious about their Salvation, and this led to the fact that they attempted to console themselves and get rid of their anxiety by making concerted attempts to succeed in all their economic and other undertakings. The widespread belief may have been that God would quite naturally demonstrate his favor by bestowing prosperity and wealth on the various enterprises and undertakings of the elect. In addition, no Calvinist believed in self indulgence, and this meant that all the finances generated and raised by their present undertakings would perforce be put back into future undertakings, or 'callings' as they were referred to, both by the employer as well as by the employee. The small reward that they expected was a mere earthly one, but this was sufficient for the Calvinist. (Kilcullen, 1996) It was also Max Weber's opinion that Protestant doctrines believed in the fact that men must accept a humbler sort of station in their lives, and that they must devote their energies into performing mundane tasks and duties. Weber also believed that since there was no hierarchical Church structure present, it meant that there would be no episodes of upward mobility and a need for acquisition. however, it was because of the 'work and save' ethic that was being followed by these people that the phenomenon of 'Capitalism' was brought into the picture, and since there is absolutely no doubt that a dedication and a devotion and a deep commitment towards one's work would inevitably bring forth the desired productivity, especially on the part of the Calvinists, who believed in the dedication to one's own 'beruf', or duty, or calling. (Max Weber, 1864 to 1920) It is widely acknowledged everywhere that Max Weber had an ingrained concept of 'rationality and rationalism' in all his works, and according to Rogers Brubaker, it was veritably a 'great unifying theme' in his work, even though it has been stated by some others that the concept was at times 'evasive'. It was Weber's opinion that the very history of 'rationalism' has revealed that it does not follow any type of parallel lines in life in general, and also that the very idea of rationality is both multi directional and multi dimensional. Rationality was, for Weber, the manifestation of individual freedoms, and also another meaning for conceptual lucidity, among various other meanings. (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) According to Max Weber, sociology as such meant that it was nothing but a 'comprehensive science of social action', and it must be also noted that most of Max Weber's ideals stem from the idea that human beings attach a great many subjective meanings to all their manifold actions and interactions within any specific social context. Therefore, in this context, rationality means that most human beings restlessly strive for a goal, which in itself may not be rational, but for which most people strive through rational means. As most people have diverse numbers of motivational factors, it would mean that most human behavior as such is caused by a mixture of all these motivations. This was in